
What are the best job search methods?

job search methods: looking for a job

Many people wonder how to find a relevant job that will be aligned with their job experience. There are many methods of job hunting, and it is best not to rely on just one. Experiences in using one method of job search will help you in a more successful job search through other methods.

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Job search methods: expand your network of acquaintances

networkingIn today’s world, networking is extremely important. Expanding the network of acquaintances gives us a better insight into newly opened jobs and creates new contacts that potentially enable better career opportunities. Therefore, it is good to attend career fairs, participate in workshops and projects related to your profession, and it is also desirable to stay in contact with your former professors and teachers, as well as colleagues from the faculty and your field of work. Try to stay informed about who is hiring and how to find a job in Croatia. You can check job offers at Štoradiš.hr.


Job search methods: applying to a vacancy

poslovna komunikacijaOf course, the most obvious way to get a job is to apply for a published vacancy. Be careful not to rely on just one source of job ads or only the Employment Service. Search large, as well as local classifieds, and vacancies posted on institutions’ websites. Don’t forget to browse the ads of employment agencies such as When writing your resume, follow the guidelines for writing a resume published on our blog.


Job search methods: organise yourself

Discipline and being organized will help you in your job search for both practical and motivational reasons. Be methodical and document all the necessary information about your job search, list the ads you apply to, follow news about important companies and individuals, and record when and how you contacted which employer. This type of data collection will make the entire process easier for you, help you not to make mistakes, and ensure that all important information is easily available.


How to find freelance jobs

freelancerIf you are unable to find a full-time job, you may have an easier time finding a freelance job. It can be a step on your way to full employment because it will not only allow you to gain valuable work experience but also to expand your network of acquaintances and contacts. In addition, freelance jobs allow you to prove your competence, create business connections, and build your portfolio of achievements.


Job search methods: open job application

čitanje molbeInstead of waiting for a job opening, be proactive and send an open job application to employers. Make sure that you research the company well before writing the application and write an open request tailored to the target company. Don’t accidentally send a generic job application to a large number of employers, hoping that it will yield results with one of them. When looking for a job, quality wins over quantity. If you can, consult colleagues and friends on how to improve your open application.


Job search methods: how to find a job with LinkedIn

job search methods: LinkedInFor many professions, regular activity on the LinkedIn social network has become crucial. In many professions it is the key to finding a well-paid job or simply finding a good job. It is recommended that you try to establish as many contacts as possible online and follow people who are followed by others in your profession. Make an effort to post regularly on LinkedIn and write articles about your own experiences or your field. If you write for the media or have your own blog, post links to them online so that your connections know what you can offer the world in a professional sense. Comment on other people’s posts with positive and encouraging comments so that others will remember you. And don’t forget to try to reflect desirable personality traits such as ambition, positivity, and team spirit in your posts. LinkedIn serves your personal branding, which is important in today’s world.


Employment agencies and job portals

job search methods: job interviewNowadays, more and more companies are using the services of private employment agencies or job portals to find qualified candidates. This saves resources and time for both employers and job seekers. There are more than several employment agencies in Croatia, as well as job portals, so familiarize yourself with their work. One of the job portals is Štoradiš.hr, where you can upload your resume and find matching vacancies aligned with your job experience.

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Author: Goran Mihelčić