
How to use ŠtoRadiš.hr?

Prijava ŠtoRadiš

ŠtoRadiš.hr is the first job search service that uses the newest AI machine learning technology to help you find a new job. In addition, it collects and displays all available vacancies in one place for ease of use for new job seekers.

Wondering what we are writing about? Try ŠtoRadiš right now!

In the following text, you can read our guide for the current version of the ŠtoRadiš.hr website.

ŠtoRadiš: registration at ŠtoRadiš.hr

You can apply for registration on Štoradiš.hr by clicking on any of the “sign up” or “register” buttons located on our pages.


Find a Job Page Storadis - english


After you have successfully clicked on that button, the following window will appear:


StoRadis registration page - empty - English


Carefully fill in the basic information that is requested of you. Under the item “Enter the desired job title“, write the job title in which you want to find an open vacancy. Choose from the drop-down menu where you would like to work. When coming up with a password, make sure you come up with a password with uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one digit. After you have read the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, you can agree with them and you are ready to submit your application to the site.


Registration Form FIlled - English


You should receive an email containing a link to activate your account.


Email Registration - English

ŠtoRadiš: your ŠtoRadiš account

After you have successfully registered, you should be able to access your profile. You will be greeted by an automatic overview of available jobs in the Matched Vacancies section.


Vacancy Selection - English


The vacancies are sorted by the percentage according to which they match your desired job position and you are shown up to 50 best results. You can change the job search conditions by increasing or decreasing the minimum degree of matching in the upper left corner (accuracy) or by limiting the distance from your location in the upper right corner (search distance radius).


You can apply for available jobs by clicking on the green application button on the left, which, depending on the source of the job, will either open an interface for sending an email or the original vacancy. You can always check the original vacancy by clicking on the “See vacancy” button, and by clicking on the heart icon you can save the vacancy in your favorites.


Be warned that if two or more contact addresses are listed in the vacancy, the autocomposed email may be addressed to the wrong address! That’s why it’s best to be safe and check the original ad by pressing the “See vacancy” button.


Furthermore, above the results you will see three items: My Matched Vacancies, My Favorites and All my Applications. Matching jobs is an overview of the job offers you are currently viewing.



Under My Favorites you can see all the jobs you’ve added to your favorites, and under All my Applications you can see all the jobs you’ve applied for.


All my applications - English

ŠtoRadiš: your profile and uploading your CV

If you click on your first and last name in the purple rectangle in the upper right corner, you can access your profile.


My Profile StoRadis - English


Until you attach your resume, the only experience that will be listed will be that for the desired occupation that you entered during registration. Don’t be confused by why this item appeared in employment, it is necessary because AI matching has to work with some data to compare wanted and desired jobs.


You can fill out your profile yourself by completing the items: experience, education, and additional information. However, you can also help yourself by uploading your CV. You can upload your resume by clicking on the floating green button on the left side of your profile or by clicking on your first and last name in the upper right corner and selecting My requests.


My Requests ŠtoRadiš.hr - English


In the item My requests, you can see all the documents you have uploaded to the pages of ŠtoRadiš.hr, and you can add new or delete existing documents.


ŠtoRadiš upload CV - English


You can attach your CV in one of the supported formats: .doc, .docx., .pdf, .rtf, or .txt. If your profile is not filled immediately after uploading your resume, don’t worry, wait half a minute to a minute (depending on your resume format) while our application processes your resume. Keep in mind that the resume processor may be subject to errors depending on the format and formatting of the resume, so you may need to correct at least some of the information.


Furthermore, under your profile, there are additional items:


My Contact Details - English


Under My contact details, you can edit your name and surname, your location, phone number, and email address and add a link to your profile on social networks.


Find even more Jobs - Štoradiš.hr - English


Under Find even more jobs, you’re given the option to turn on or off different filters to match you with jobs based on your chosen level of accuracy or skills.


All your vacancies on a map - ŠtoRadiš - english


Under All your vacancies on the map, you can see on the interactive Google Map where the vacancies offered to you are located.



Finally, under the item Track all your actions, you can see the complete history of your activity on the pages of ŠtoRadiš.hr.

Your profile options

Profile Info - English


Under Edit Profile, under your profile name there are three items. You can change your name under Profile Info.


Change Password - ŠtoRadiš - English


Under Change Password, you can change your password and enable or disable two-factor authentication.


Your STAA Information - ŠtoRadiš - English


Finally, under the item Your STAA information, you can request to download all data collected by ŠtoRadiš.hr about you or request its deletion.

ŠtoRadiš: a touch of human magic

Although the ŠtoRadiš.hr system is based on AI matching technology, the results of individual candidates are also checked by experienced consultants.


Therefore, do not be surprised if a day or two after registering on ŠtoRadiš you receive an email message that your results have been edited and optimized. AI learning models are not perfect, that’s why we partner with Adecco’s professional consultants.


If this thorough guide hasn’t covered everything you’re interested in, feel free to contact us using our contact form.

Try using ŠtoRadiš today!